No matter what spine condition you’re facing, Dr. Dodwad can help.


Lumbar Disc Herniation

Lumbar disc herniation is also known as a ruptured disc or slipped disc. This problem can cause lower back pain radiating down the buttocks, thigh, leg and foot. Lumbar disc herniation may also cause leg and foot weakness and numbness.

Cervical Disc Herniation

Cervical disc herniation is similar to a Lumbar Disc Herniation, but the ruptured or slipped disc is in the neck. This problem can cause neck pain radiating down the arm, forearm and hand. Cervical disc herniation may also cause arm and hand weakness and numbness.

Pediatric Deformity/Scoliosis

There are several types of pediatric scoliosis, the most common being adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. This condition creates a sideway curvature in the spine of children.

Lumbar Stenosis

Lumbar stenosis is where there is narrowing in the spinal canal of the low back or lumbar spine. This problem can cause neurogenic claudication which is pain, numbness, and weakness in your buttock and thighs with standing and walking.

Adult Deformity/Scoliosis

Adult degenerative scoliosis usually occurs in patients in their 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond. This is often caused by arthritis that creates a sideways curvature to occur in the spine.

Spine Fractures

The spine is made up of bones and ligaments. When a bone in the spinal column is injured a fracture occurs, causing pain at the area of the fracture.

Spine Tumors

Tumors or cancers can occur in any location in your spine. Spine tumors may cause pain, fractures/broken bones or nerve compression leading to weakness in your arms or legs. We work with your oncologist and radiation oncologist to formulate a comprehensive spine tumor treatment plan.


Infections or discitis/osteomyelitis may occur in your spine. This can cause fever, chills, fatigue, overall sickness as well as pain and deformity.


There are multiple types of spondylolisthesis or slippage of the spine. This problem can cause pain and nerve compression causing pain and weakness in your arms or legs.